We are Stewards of our Parish and We are all called to help your Parish in its good works. Affirm your commitment by joining the Planned Giving Programme to support our parish in ensuring that the Parish can continue to be here for you.

Discover the Power of Planned Giving

Planned Giving is not just a financial commitment; it's your pledge to make a lasting impact. Imagine being part of something greater, something that ensures our parish thrives and flourishes. It's not about binding contracts, but rather a promise to contribute on a weekly or monthly basis. And the best part? You have the flexibility to modify or withdraw your commitment at any time.

Why is it crucial to be a part of the Planned Giving Program?

Think of your parish as a household or business with various expenses throughout the year. The Planned Giving Program is the cornerstone that enables the parish to plan its finances with confidence. It grants the assurance needed to cover expenses and responsibilities as they arise.

Is the Parish financially supported by the Archdiocese?

No, the parish operates independently, with annual expenses exceeding $130,000 and constantly on the rise. Remarkably, nearly 90% of these costs are met by the unwavering commitment of our current Planned Giving Program contributors. Their support is the lifeblood of our parish, and we can't emphasize its importance enough.

The remaining expenses are covered by spontaneous donations from parishioners and interest income. When you become a part of the Planned Giving Program, your contribution will be counted towards the 2nd collection, reinforcing our community's strength.

Is Planned Giving just about the money?

Absolutely not. Our parish, driven by dedicated priests and volunteers, tirelessly organises activities and programs to spread the Word of God. These efforts require financial support to come to life. Your contribution is a beacon of hope and gratitude, showing your deep appreciation for the work being done and your dedication to its continuation.

If you're ready to join the Planned Giving Program and be a part of this transformative journey, simply download the Planned Giving Form, complete it, and return it to the Parish Office 03 98028538 or syndal.finance@cam.org.au

Together, we can create a brighter, more secure future for our beloved parish.