Comprises of 4 very young talented musicians. They sing every 1st Saturday at the 6pm mass. They also lead the music on Worship Nights every alternate month on the 3rd Friday.
10.30am Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Contact: Terence Teow
6.00pm Mass on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
There are currently 9 members in Cantate, with one choir member also playing both piano and flute.
Hymns are taken from Catholic Hymns for Mass and Hillsong.
If you enjoy singing or playing instruments, any new members to the choir are most welcome!
Contact: Carolyn Yap
10.30am mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Contact: Blaise Chan
6.00pm Mass on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Comprises 8 members including a pianist and violinist
Contact Choir Leader: Cynthia Boudeville
Our band is made up of many of the Elevate Youth and Connect members who love music and want to sing for our church and the Lord.
We perform every third Sunday of the month, on what is called the Youth Mass service (dedicated and run by the young ones!). As the book of Psalms tells us, we should sing praise of the Lord and sing for all, and that is exactly our mission.
To try our best to produce great music for the congregation to join in and proclaim how truly great our God is! If you would like to listen or join in, come down to Elevate Youth or our Youth Masses and sing along!
Contact Band Leaders: Austin & Austin - &
6.00pm Mass on the 4th Saturday of the month. Our group is currently on an extended break. We hope to be back playing again soon.
Contact: Blaise Chan
10.30am Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month
Contact: Christy Fernando
Saturday 6.00pm or Sunday 10.30am Mass once every few months
Contact: Christina Sorbello
1st Sunday of the month. 8:30am mass.