Charismatic Prayer Group

The Queen of Apostles Charismatic prayer group meets fortnightly on Wednesday nights at 7.30pm in the Cenacle room. It is an opportunity to experience the Power and the workings of the Holy Spirit in a prayerful environment. 

Praise and worshipping Jesus through songs, scripture, personal testimonies, teachings and Healing Ministry is what we are called, as Catholics, to exercise with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Contact: Rosa Bonaddio 0447 111 270 /

Mothers Prayer Group

Mothers come together to pray for their children and grandchildren. During the meetings, they unite in prayer with one another and place the names of their children / grandchildren into a basket at the foot of the cross, offering them into Jesus’ care.

Meets every 3rd Friday of the month at 8pm, except for the months of December and January.

Contact: Catherine Loo (Evening Group)